Module 2 : Limits and Continuity of  Functions
Lecture 4 : Limit at a point
(ii) Let , the greatest integer function. Clearly, for  and  for      
Thus, if we take a sequence  ,  then clearly,  and , as . On other hand, if we take sequence , then again , but , as . Thus, we cannot predict a single value for  at .

Click here to see an interactive visualization: Applet 2.2

This motivates the following definition.
4.1 .2
Definition :
  Let  be an open interval of . We say that  has limit at  if there is a real number with the property that ,  for every sequence   with  .

Such  is unique (see exercise 3), whenever it exists and is denoted by .
In view of the algebra of limits for sequences (see section 3.2), we have the following theorems.