Module 1 : Introduction

Lecture 1:Introduction to nonlinear mechanical systems



d'Alembert Principle The vectorial sum of the external forces and the inertia forces acting on a moving system is zero. Referring to Fig.1.1.5. according to d'Alembert Principle where is the inertia force.

Generalized Principle of d'Alembert:

The virtual work performed by the effective forces through infinitesimal virtual displacements compatible with the system constraints is zero.

................................................................................................. (1.1.7)

Extended Hamilton's Principle

For a system with Number of particles we can conceive of a 3N dimensional space with the axes , , and represent the position of the system of particles in that space and at any time t the position of a representative point P with coordinate , , where i = 1,2,… N. The 3N dimensional space is known as the Configuration Space. As time unfolds, the representative point P traces a curve in the configuration space called the true path, or the Newtonian path, or the dynamical path. At the same time let us think of a different representative point resulting from imagining the system in a slightly different position defined by the virtual displacement (i = 1,2… N ). As time changes the point traces a curve in the configuration space known as the Varied Path.

Fig1.1.6: True and Varied path

Of all the possible varied path, now consider only those that coincide with the true path at the two instants and as shown in Fig.1.1.6. The Extended Hamilton's Equation in terms of Physical coordinates can be given by


where is the variation in kinetic energy and is the variation in the work done. But in many cases it is desirable to work with generalized coordinates q. As and are independent of coordinates so one can write
