Module 1 : Real Numbers, Functions and Sequences
Lecture 3 : Monotone Sequence and Limit theorem [ Section 3.3 : Some Extensions of the Limit Concept ]
3.3.3 Theorem:
  Let  be a sequence of real numbers.
If  converges to ,  then it is not bounded above.
If  converges to , then it is not bounded below.
If  is monotonically increasing and not bounded above then,  converges to  .
If  is monotonically decreasing and not bounded below then,  converges to .                    
  Proofs of (i) and (ii) are obvious.
  To prove (iii), let be arbitrary. Since,  is not bounded above, there exists some  such that . Since   is monotonically increasing,  this implies that for every Hence,  converges to 
Proof of (iv) is similar.                                                                                                                         Back