Module 1 : Introduction and geometric constructions

Lecture 1 : Introduction to Engineering Drawing


  1. Compasses
  2. These are used to draw arcs or circles. Generally two sizes of compasses: one large compass and the other a small spring bow compassĀ  are commonly found. Each compass consist of a needle point and a pencil point. For drawing very large radius arcs, the pencil point leg can be removed from the knee joint and a lengthening bar can be inserted to increase the radius of the arc. Figure 4 shows the photograph of a compass.Figure 4 shows the photograph of a compass.

    Figure 4. Photograph of a compass

  3. Divider
  4. Dividers are used to transfer lengths to the drawings either from scales or from the drawing itself. Similar to the compasses, two sizes of dividers are used in technical drawings. One large divider and the other small spring bow divider.

  5. Pencils / lead sticks/ pencil sharpener / eraser/etc:
  6. The primary tool used in technical drawings is the pencil or lead sticks. Generally for technical drawings, the three grades of pencil used is HB, H and 2H . For different purposes, different grades of pencils are used. Pencil sharpener is is used to mend the pencils. EraserĀ  is used to erase the unnecessary part of the pencil drawing.