Module 1 : Introduction and geometric constructions

Lecture 1 : Introduction to Engineering Drawing


What information should be available in an engineering drawing?
A  perfect engineering drawing should have the following information:

Drawings are the road maps which show how to manufacture products and structures. No industrial level construction/manufacturing of any (man-made) engineering objects is possible without engineering drawing.

What will you learn from this course?
In this course you will learn how to communicate technical information by:
Visualization – the ability to mentally understand visual information.
Graphics theory – geometry and projection techniques used for preparation of drawings.
Use of standards – set of rules for preparation of technical drawings.
Use of conventions – commonly accepted practices in technical drawings.
Tools – devices used to create technical drawings and models.
Applications – the various uses for technical drawings.
Developing an engineering drawing can be either by manual drawing or by computer graphics

Computer has a major impact on the methods used to design and create technical drawings. The tools are Computer aided design and drafting (CADD).Design and drafting on computer are cheap and less time consuming. Then why we go for manual drawing?

Computer cannot replace the drafting board and equipment as a learning tool. In schools, students are not allowed to use calculators up to calss 12. During this period if they use calculators from class 1, they will not improve their mathematical skills. After calss 12, i.e., once they have learned the basics of mathematics, they are allowed to use calculators and computers. Hence before use of the drafting software, their fundamentals regarding drawing should be clear.  If basic fundamentals are clear, better use can be made of the power of the software. To be an expert in technical drawing, this first course on Engineering (manual) drawing is the first step.