Module 1 : Introduction and geometric constructions

Lecture 1 : Introduction to Engineering Drawing


The following set of instruments are required for ensuring perfection in manual drawing:

  1. Drawing board
  2. Drawing board is made of soft wooden platens.  Almost perfect planning of the working surface of the drawing board is to be ensured. A  strip of hard ebony edge is fitted up in a groove on the shorter edge of the board and perfectly lined to provide the guide for the T-square.  The standard sizes of the drawing board is shown in Table 1.1 below. D2 size of drawing board is normally recommended for the First year Engineering students.


  3. Drawing Sheet
  4. Drawing sheet is the medium on which drawings are prepared by means of pencils or pen.  Drawing sheets are available in standard sizes as shown in Table 1.2. A standard A0 size sheet is the one with an area of 1 m-2 and having dimensions of 1189 x 841. Each higher number sheet (A1, A2, A3, etc. in order) is half the size of the immediately lower  numbered sheet.  For drawing practice for first year engineering students A2 size is the preferred drawing sheet. The recommended  sizes obtained for various drawing sheets are shown in figure 1

    Figure 1. recommended  sizes obtained for various drawing sheets