Module 1 : A Crash Course in Vectors
Lecture 1 : Scalar And Vector Fields
  Right Hand Rule :
  Stretch out the fingers of the right hand so that the thumb becomes perpendicular to both the index (fore finger) and the middle finger. If the index points in the direction of $\vec A$ and the middle finger in the direction of $\vec B$ then, $\vec A\times\vec B $ points in the direction of the thumb. The rule is also occasionally called the Right handed cork screw rule which may be stated as follows. If a right handed screw is turned in the direction from $\vec A$ to $\vec B$, the direction in which the head of the screw proceeds gives the direction of the cross product.
  In cartesian basis the cross product may be written in terms of the components of $\vec A$ and $\vec B$ as follows.
  The following points may be noted :
Vector product is anti-commutative, i.e.,
\begin{displaymath}\vec A\times \vec B = -\vec B\times \vec A\end{displaymath}