Presentation - 01


Meaning is central to communication by dint of the fact that bare words and sentences are not communicable. So we need 'meaning' to communicate through our language. Meaning is indispensable and inseparable aspect of language. In other words, there will be no language without meaning. Thus, it cannot be dissociated from the language, and in a wider sense from the world and our living in it.

Language is a common platform and an imperative medium of social interaction. It is the only medium1 through which ideas and concepts are transmitted. It represents the thoughts and assists to share our ideas, desires, intentions, inclinations, cravings, feelings, etc. with others.

In the discourse of philosophy of language an important question arises: i.e., what is a theory of meaning? It is followed by a few related questions pertaining to the term 'meaning'. They are as follows:

  1. How do we understand the meaning of a word and the meaning of an expression?
  2. How do we assure that a particular sentence conveys a designated meaning?
  3. How does meaning relate to understanding?
  4. How can we acquire the knowledge of a fact or an event that the sentence is expressing about?

It is stated that to grasp the meaning of an expression is to understand its role in the language. In this regard, Dummett suggests that the job of a theory of meaning is to give an account of how language works. Understanding language implies knowing the facts and/or objects what it states about. It is so because we communicate facts, events, objects etc. through language. Thus, knowing the meaning of an expression ascertains the knowledge about 'what it stands for'. Hence, reference follows. From this analysis, it may be stated that a theory of meaning is a theory of understanding.

1  Language may be in written, spoken or in sign form.