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Derivation of an exact difference formula

Consider the linear parabolic PDE

$\displaystyle \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}=L(t,x,D,D^{2})u$ (1)

where the operator L is linear and $ \displaystyle
The difference formulae involving two adjacent time levels are obtained from the Taylor expansion
$\displaystyle u(x,t+k)$ $\displaystyle =$  
  $\displaystyle =$  

If we now put $ x=mh,$    $ t=nk$ and     $ u(mh,nk)=u^{n}_{m},$ then


Now an exact formula connecting D and $ \displaystyle \delta_{x},$ the central difference operator in the x-direction, is

$\displaystyle D=\frac{2}{h}\sinh^{-1}\frac{\delta x}{2}=\frac{1}{h}\left(\delta...
...}.3!}\delta^{3}_{x}+ \frac{1^{2}.3^{2}}{2^{4}. 5!}\delta^{5}_{x}+ ..... \right)$ (3)

If equation (3) is used to eliminate D in terms of $ \delta
x $ in equation (2), the exact difference replacement is given by


All difference formulae in common use for solving equation (1) are approximations of equation (4).

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