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False Position or Regula Falsi method:

Bisection method converges slowly. Here while defining the new interval $ [a_{n}, b_{n}]$ the only utilization of the function $ 'f(x)'$ is in checking whether $ f(a_{n})f(b_{n})<0$ but not in actually calculating the end point of the interval. False Position or Regular Falsi method uses not only in deciding the new interval $ [a_{n}, b_{n}]$ as in bisection method but also in calculating one of the end points of the new interval. Here one of end points of $ [a_{n}, b_{n}]$ say $ w$ is calculated as a weighted average defined on previous interval as

( $ \because f(a_{n-1}),f(b_{n-1})$ have opposite signs).
The algorithm for computing the root of function by this method is given below.
Given a function continuous on an interval $ [a,b]$ satisfying the criteria $ f(a)f(b)<0$, carry out the following steps to find the root $ \xi$ of in $ [a,b]$:
(1) Set $ a_{0}=a,\quad b_{0}=b$
(2) For n = 0,1,2.... until convergence criteria is satisfied , do:
(a) Compute     

(b) If  ,   then set $ a_{n+1}=a_{n}\quad ;\quad b_{n+1}=w$
otherwise set
Use any one of the convergence criteria discussed earlier under bisection method. For the sake of carrying out a comparative study we will stick both to the same convergence criteria as before i.e. (say) and to the example problems.
Solve $ 2x^{3}-2.5x-5=0$ for the root in the interval [1,2] by Regula-Falsi method:

Solution: Since $ f(1)\, f(2)=-33<0$, we go ahead in finding the root of given function f(x) in [1,2].
Set $ a_{0}=1,\quad b_{0}=2$.

set $ a_{1}=w=1.47826087\quad;\quad b_{1}=b_{0}=2$
$ \because \quad \vert f(w)\vert>\varepsilon=10^{-6}$, proceed with iteration.
Iteration details are provide below in a tabular form:

    Regula Falsi Method    
Iteration no. $ a_n$ $ b_n$
0 1.0000000000 2.0000000000 1.4782608747 -2.2348976135
1 1.4782608747 2.0000000000 1.6198574305 -0.5488323569
2 1.6198574305 2.0000000000 1.6517157555 -0.1169833690
3 1.6517157555 2.0000000000 1.6583764553 -0.0241659321
4 1.6583764553 2.0000000000 1.6597468853 -0.0049594725
5 1.6597468853 2.0000000000 1.6600278616 -0.0010169938
6 1.6600278616 2.0000000000 1.6600854397 -0.0002089010
7 1.6600854397 2.0000000000 1.6600972414 -0.0000432589
8 1.6600972414 2.0000000000 1.6600997448 -0.0000081223


Note : One may note that Regula Falsi method has converged faster than the Bisection method.

Geometric Interpretation of Regula Falsi Method:

Let us plot the polynomial considered in the above example and trace $ w$, its movement and new intervals $ [a_{n}, b_{n}]$ with iteration. From the figure(), one can verify that the weighted average

$\displaystyle w=\frac{f(b_{n})a_{n}-f(a_{n})b_{n}}{f(b_{n})-f(a_{n})}$

is the point of intersection of the secant to , passing through points $ (a_{n},f(a_{n}))$ and $ (b_{n},f(b_{n}))$ with the x-axis. Since here is concave upward and increasing the secant is always above . Hence, $ w$ always lies to the left of the zero. If were to be concave downward and increasing, $ w$ would always lie to the right of the zero.


Solve $ 5 \sin^{2}x-8\cos^{5}x=0$ for the root in the interval [0.5,1.5] by Regula Falsi method.

    Regula Falsi Method    
Iteration no. $ a_n$ $ b_n$
0.5000000000 1.5000000000 0.8773435354 2.1035263538
0.5000000000 0.8773435354 0.7222673893 0.2828366458
0.5000000000 0.7222673893 0.7032044530 0.0251714624
0.5000000000 0.7032044530 0.7015219927 0.0021148270
0.5000000000 0.7015219927 0.7013807297 0.0001767781
0.5000000000 0.7013807297 0.7013689280 0.0000148928
0.5000000000 0.7013689280 0.7013679147 0.0000009526

Exercise: 1) Solve for the root in the interval [2,3] by Regula-Falsi Method.

2) Find the solution to , in the interval [1,2] accurate to within using Regula-Falsi Method.

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