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Newton Interpolation polynomial:

Suppose that we are given a data set $ (x_{i},f_{i}),i=0,1...n-1$. Let us assume that these are interpolating points of Newton form of interpolating polynomial of degree i.e


The Newton form of the interpolating polynomial is given by


For i=0, from (1) & (2) we get

$\displaystyle f_{0}=P_{n}(x_{0})=a_{0}$ (3.1)

For $ i=1$, from (1) & (2) we get

$\displaystyle f_{1}=p_{n}(x_{1})=a_{0}+a_{1}(x_{1}-x_{0})$

$\displaystyle a_{1}=\frac{f_{1}-f_{0}}{x_{1}-x_{0}}$ (3.2)

For i=2, from(1) & (2) we get

Using (3.1) & (3.2), we get

$\displaystyle a_{2}=\frac{[(f_{2}-f_{1})/(x_{2}-x_{1})]-[(f_{1}-f_{0})/(x_{1}-x_{0})]}{(x_{2}-x_{0})}$ (3.3)

Similarly we can find $ a_{3}.....a_{n-1}$. To express $ a_{i},i=0......n-1$ in a compact manner let us first define the following notation called divided differences:

$\displaystyle f[x_{k}]=f_{k}$ (4.1)

$\displaystyle \hspace{0.5in}f[x_{k},x_{k+1}]=\frac{f[x_{k+1}]-f[x_{k}]}{x_{k+1}-x_{k}}$ (4.2)

$\displaystyle \hspace{0.9in}f[x_{k},x_{k+1},x_{k+2}]=\frac{f[x_{k+1},x_{k+2}]-f[x_{k},x_{k+1}]}{x_{k+2}-x_{k}}$ (4.3)


Now the co-efficients can be expressed in terms of divided differences as follows:

$\displaystyle a_{0}=f_{0}=f[x_{0}]$ (5.1)


$\displaystyle a_{2}=\displaystyle

$\displaystyle =f[x_{0},x_{1},x_{2}]$ (5.3)

$\displaystyle a_{n}=f[x_{0},x_{1}...x_{n}]$ (5.4)

Note that $ a_{1}$ is called as the first divided difference, $ a_{2}$ as the second divided difference and so on. Now the polynomial (2) can be rewritten as:

i.e. (6.1)

This is called as Newton's Divided Difference interpolation polynomial.

Given the following data table, evaluate $ f(2.4)$ using $ 3^{rd}$ order Newton's Divided Difference interpolation polynomial.
i 0 1 2 3 4
$ x_{i}$ 0 1 2 3 4
$ y_{i}=f(x_{i})$ 1 2.25 3.75 4.25 5.81
Here . For constructing $ 3^{rd}$ order Newton Divided Difference polynomial we need only four points. Let us use the first four points. The $ 3^{rd}$ Newton Divided Difference polynomial is given by:

% latex2html id marker 2479
$ \therefore a_{0}=f[x_{0}]=1$

$ a_{1}=f[x_{0},x_{1}]=\displaystyle

% latex2html id marker 2485
$ \displaystyle{\therefore

$ \displaystyle{f[x_{2},x_{3}]=\frac{f[x_{3}]-f[x_{2}]}{x_{3}-x_{2}}=\frac{4.25-3.75}{3-2}=\frac{0.5}{1}=0.5}$

$ \displaystyle{f[x_{1},x_{2},x_{3}]=\frac{f[x_{2},x_{3}]-f[x_{1},x_{2}]}{x_{3}-x_{1}}=\frac{0.5-1.5}{3-1}=-0.5}$

% latex2html id marker 2491
$ \displaystyle{\therefore

$\displaystyle =\frac{-0.5-0.125}{3-0}=\frac{-0.625}{3}=-0.20833$

% latex2html id marker 2495
$ \therefore

% latex2html id marker 2497
$ \therefore f(2.4)=p_{3}(2.4)$
$ =1+1.25(2.4-0)+0.125(2.4-0)(2.4-1)+(-0.20833)(2.4-0)(2.4-1)(2.4-2)$
$ =1+(1.25)(2.4)+0.125(2.4)(1.4)-0.20833(2.4)(1.4)(0.4)$

In this example it may be noted that for calculating the order polynomial, we first start with $ P_{0}=f[x_{0}]=1$. To it we add $ a_{1}(x-x_{0})$ to get $ P_{1}$ and to $ P_{1}$ we add $ a_{2}(x-x_{0})(x-x_{1})$ to get $ P_{2}$. Finally on adding $ a_{3}(x-x_{0})(x-x_{1})(x-x_{2})$ to $ P_{2}$ we get $ P_{3}$.
Some remarks on the Error in the interpolation approach:
Suppose that the given data points $ (x_{i},y_{i})$, $ i=0,1,..n$ correspond to a real valued function $ f(x)$ defined on the internal $ I=[a,b]$. Let be the interpolating polynomial of degree $ \leq n.$ $ i.e.$ $ P_{n}(x_{i})=f(x_{i})=y_{i}$     $ i=0,1...n$. Then the interpolation error $ e_{n}(x)$ due to interpolation by is given by


An estimate of the error is provided in the following theorem.

Theorem: Let $ f(x)$ be a real-valued function define on $ [a,b]$ and $ n+1$ times differentiable on $ (a,b).$ If is the polynomial of degree $ \leq n$ which interpolates $ f(x)$ at the (n+1) distinct points $ x_{0}..x_{n}\epsilon[a,b]$, then for all $ \overline{x}\epsilon[a,b]$, there exists $ \xi=\xi(\overline{x})\epsilon (a,b) s.t.$

$\displaystyle e_{n}(\overline{x})=f(\overline{x})-P_{n}(\overline{x})$    


i) $ \xi=\xi(\overline{x})$ i.e. $ \xi$ depends on the point at which the error estimate is required.
ii) Since $ f^{n+1}(x)$ i.e. $ (n+1)^{th}$ derivative is seldom known the error formula $ (6.3)$ in the above theorem is of limited practical value. But when a bound on $ \vert f^{n+1}(x)\vert$ is known over the entire interval $ [a,b]$, then the formula $ (6.3)$ may be used to get a bound on the interpolation error.

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