Engineering Mechanics
Lecture 9 : Properties of surfaces II: Second moment of area


Transformation of moments and products of area from one system to another rotated with respect to the first one: We just learnt that if we translate an area so that its centriod moves to another point, how its second moments of inertia and products of inertia change when the axes passing through the centroid and the other set of axes are parallel. We now study how the moments and products are related when we calculate them about another set of axes that an rotated with respect to the first one. So we consider a set of area (xy) and another on (x'y') rotated with respect to the first one by an angle θ (see figure 1).

We wish to relate 11. In lecture 1, we have already learnt that


This gives



changing 11








= 1

= 11




This gives the second moment and product about a set of axis (x'y') rotated about the other set (xy). Let us now discuss some examples.

As expected for a circular area, no matter about which set of axes you calculate 1, it will always come out to be the same because the area looks the sum from all set axes. What is interesting, however, is that for a square also the moments and product of area are the same with respect to any set of axes passing through its centre. It happens because with respect to its centre, the IXX and IYY for a square are the same i.e. 1 and 1. This is left as an exercise for you to show.

We now use for formulae derived above to obtain what we call the principal set of axes for a plane area. The principal set of axes at a point are those for which the product of inertia vanishes i.e. about the principal set of axes 1. Let us see how we determine these axes if we know 1about a given set of axes. In the following we refer to the principal set of axes as (1,2) where 1 refers to the x-axis and 2 to the y-axis. We know that we want


where α is the angle the principal set of axes make with the (xy) set of axes. The equation above gives

The principal set of axes has one more property: The moments of area is maximum one of the principal axis (say x-axis) and minimum about the other (y-axis). This is seen as follow: Since


Let us find θ for which IX'X'   is a maximum or a minimum. The condition




This is the same angle a that makes IXY vanish. This means




When α makes the function IXX a maximum, the angle 1makes IYY a minimum. I'll leave it for you to show that. Thus the principal set of axes are also those about which the II nd moment of area is maximum about one axis and minimum about the other. Notice that for a square, any set of axes passing through its centre is a principal set of axes. This follows from the exercise that you did above. As a related quantity, we also define polar moment of an area . This is calculated as


Since r2 is independence of the (xy) system chosen, I is the same about any set of axes passing through a point.

Having defined these concepts, at the end I will point out that in a similar manner IInd moment of mass can also be defined. We will elaborate on that more in the later lectures on dynamics when we deal with the rotation of rigid bodies.

Lecture 8 and 9 conclude our introduction to the properties of surfaces.