Engineering Mechanics
Lecture 5 : Equilibrium of bodies III


Lecture 5
Equilibrium of bodies III

In the previous lecture I have been talking about equilibrium in a plane. We now move on to three dimensional (3-d) cases. In three dimensional cases the equilibrium conditions lead to balance along all three axes. Then


We now have to take care of components of forces and torque in all three dimensions. The engineering elements that we considered earlier are now considered as 3-d case. Thus consider a ball-socket joint in which a ball is supported in a socket (figure 1).


A ball-socket joint provides reaction forces Nx, Ny and Nz in all three directions (figure 1) but it cannot apply any torque. This is a little like a hinge joint in 2d . Let me solve an example using such a joint.


Example 1: To balance a heavy weight of 5000 N, two persons dig a hole in the ground and put a pole of length l in it so that the hole acts as a socket. The pole makes an angle of 30° from the ground. The weight is tied at the mid point of the pole and the pole is pulled by two horizontal ropes tied at its ends as shown in figure 2. Find the tension in the two ropes and the reaction forces of the ground on the pole.


To solve this problem, let me first choose a co-ordinate system. I choose it so that the pole is over the y-axis in the (y-z) plane (see figure 2).

The ropes are in (xy) direction with tension T in each one of them so that tension in each is written as


You may be wondering why I have taken the tension to be the same in the two ropes. Actually it arises from the torque balance equation; if the tensions were not equal, their component in the x-direction will give a nonzero torque.

Let the normal reaction of the ground be (Nx , Ny , Nz). Then the force balance equation gives


Taking torque about point O and equating it to zero, we get


which gives


Next, if I consider a fixed connection, say in a wall, it is capable of providing force along all the three axes and also of providing torques about the three axes, Thus in 3-d it will be represented as shown in figure 3.


This is a generalization of the fixed or welded/glued support in 2-d . How are these torques etc. generated? Recall what I did for a fixed support in 2-d and carry out a similar analysis in 3-d.

Hopefully by the analysis carried out so far, you would be able to recognize what all reactions a given element of a mechanical system can provide. For example look at the support shown in figure 4 where the shaft can not move through the hole in the fixed block, but it is free to rotate. Can you tell the reaction forces and torques that this support provides?



Having discussed the elements that apply different kinds of forces, let us look at some situations there due to the geometry of forces applied, some of the equilibrium equations are automatically satisfied. If we recognize this, it saves us from doing extra calculations involving that particular condition.

If all forces are concurrent at a point (see figure 5), i.e., they all cross each other at one point O then torques of all the forces is identically zero about O . Thus the only equilibrium condition is


Recall that if the sum of all forces on a system is zero, torque is independent of the origin. Thus although in the beginning I used the fact that torque about the point of concurrence is zero, it is true about any point once the force equation for equilibrium is satisfied.


Next consider the case when all forces intersect one particular line, call it the z-axis without any loss of generality (see figure 6).


Using transmissibility of the force, in this case we can take the force 1 to be acting at point 1 Then the torque due to all these forces will be


Thus the Z component of the torque is automatically zero. In general when the forces intersect a line, the torque component along that line vanishes. Under these circumstances, if we take that line to be the z-axis, the equilibrium conditions are


Next I discuss what happens if all the applied forces are parallel, say to the Z axis. Then the forces do not have any x or y components. Further, by the z-component of the torque also vanishes (left as an exercise for you to show). The equilibrium conditions in this case reduce to


In general of course we have all the six condition.