Engineering Mechanics
Lecture 19 : Rotational dynamics II: Rotation about a fixed axis

A rod at an angle from the axis of rotation passing through its centre:
This is shown in figure 4. The length of the rod is l and its mass m . It is at an angle θ   from the axis of rotation.


We take a small mass element of length ds at a distance s from the origin. It is at a distance 1 from the axis of rotation. Then


Thus for a rod rotating about its perpendicular passing through its centre is 1.

Exercise: Calculate the moment of inertia of a disc rotating about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to it.


Moment of inertia of disc about one of its diameters: Shown in figure 5 is a disc of mass M and radius R rotating about its diameter which lies on the y-axis.

To calculate the moment of inertia I take a strip of lengths width dx at distance x from the y-axis, the axis of rotation. Its mass is 1 (see figure 5). Thus


The integration can be carried out easily by substituting 1 and gives



Moment of inertia of a sphere about one of its diameters: A sphere of mass M and radius R is shown in figure 6. To calculate its moment of inertia, we take a cylindrical shell of radius ρ
and thickness dρ (see figure 6). The mass of this shell is given by




Therefore the moment of inertia is


By substituting 11, this is an easy integral to perform and gives the result