Diode Currents
Similarly we obtain at the p side

...Total current  |
...Total current  |
as shown in Fig 10.6
Abrupt junction with P + doping voltage drop in p + is neglected
V = Constant for one sided abrupt junctions.
For Ge ideal equation is valid.
For GaAs and Si only qualitative agreement as shown in Fig 10.7
This variation is due to:-
. surface effects.
. generation and recombination.
. tunneling of carriers between states in the bandgap.
. High injection conditions.
. Series resistance effect.
Under Reverse Bias the generation current, for a generation rate of G per unit volume is
Therefore, one sided diode (N A >>N D ) the reverse bias current
J R is dominated by the diffusion and Shockley equation is followed.
For Si and GaAs, may be small and the generation term may be comparable or dominant.
Under Forward bias the major R-G process in the depletion region is a capture process.
The Recombination current density is given by
where is the effective recombination lifetime.
for and  |