Module 4: Dielectric Ceramics: Basic Principles
  Dipolar Relaxation i.e. Debye Relaxation in Polar Solids

4.8.1 Bi-stable model for dipolar relaxation

Figure 4.23 Schematic of a polar molecule going one state to another and resulting energy well diagram

In a solid when field is applied to a polar material, the ions hop from ionic position to another as shown above in figure 4.23, e.g. Na+ movement in glasses. We consider a bistable dipole model. As the cation moves from left to right, there is a change in the co-ordinates. At any temperature above 0K, there is random oscillation of cation between these sites.

The probability of jump between sites is given as

Upon application of field, the wells tilt in the direction of applied field, resulting in unequal probability in two directions resulting a net flow of dipoles

where E is the applied field.

Under the application of an ac field, the change in the number of dipoles at site 1 = outflow to site 2 – inflow to site 1 i.e.


Where N1 + N2 = N = constant

Further, since


Replace dN1/dt in the above equation, and we get

Now, polarization P can be expressed as the product of the net ions moved and the dipole moment i.e.

This is a relaxation equation with characteristic relaxation time τ=1/2F where F is the jump probability in s-1.

So, the above equation can be written as in the form of "Dipolar Polarization" by substituting P with Pd(t) and μ2/kT by dipolar polarizability leading to


Similar derivation can also be found in the Section 5.5 of the Chapter 5 of “Principles of Electronic Ceramics” by L.L. Hench and J.K. West.