Chapter 11 : Applications of Viscous Flows Through Pipes
Lecture 35 :

Concept of Flow Potential and Flow Resistance

  • Consider the flow of water from one reservoir to another as shown in Fig. 35.3. The two reservoirs A and B are maintained with constant levels of water. The difference between these two levels is as shown in the figure. Therefore water flows from reservoir A to reservoir B .

Fig 35.3 Flow of liquid from one reservoir to another

  • Application of Bernoulli's equation between two points A and B at the free surfaces in the two reservoirs gives

where is the loss of head in the course of flow from A to B .

  • Therefore, Eq. (35.10) states that under steady state, the head causing flow becomes equal to the total loss of head due to the flow.
  • Considering the possible hydrodynamic losses, the total loss of head can be written in terms of its different components as
  Loss of heat at
entry to the pipe
from reservoir A
Friction loss in
pipe over its
length L
Exit loss to the
reservoir B

where, V is the average velocity of flow in the pipe.