Chapter 9 : Laminar Boundary Layers
Lecture 28 :

Law of Similarity for Boundary Layer Flows

  • It states that the u component of velocity with two velocity profiles of u(x,y) at different x locations differ only by scale factors in u and y
  • Therefore, the velocity profiles u(x,y) at all values of x can be made congruent if they are plotted in coordinates which have been made dimensionless with reference to the scale factors.
  • The local free stream velocity U(x) at section x is an obvious scale factor for u, because the dimensionless u(x) varies between zero and unity with y at all sections.
  • The scale factor for y , denoted by g(x) , is proportional to the local boundary layer thickness so that y itself varies between zero and unity.
  • Velocity at two arbitrary x locations, namely x1 and x2 should satisfy the equation
  • Now, for Blasius flow, it is possible to identify g(x) with the boundary layers thickness δ we know

Thus in terms of x we get                                   





or more precisely,


The stream function can now be obtained in terms of the velocity components as




where D is a constant. Also  and the constant of integration is zero if the stream function at the solid surface is set equal to zero.

Now, the velocity components and their derivatives are:






  • Substituting (28.2) into (28.15), we have








    This is known as Blasius Equation .