Lecture 8

Losses in a Centrifugal Compressor

The losses in a centrifugal compressor are almost of the same types as those in a centrifugal pump. However, the following features are to be noted.

Frictional losses: A major portion of the losses is due to fluid friction in stationary and rotating blade passages. The flow in impeller and diffuser is decelerating in nature. Therefore the frictional losses are due to both skin friction and boundary layer separation. The losses depend on the friction factor, length of the flow passage and square of the fluid velocity. The variation of frictional losses with mass flow is shown in Figure. 8.1.

Incidence losses: During the off-design conditions, the direction of relative velocity of fluid at inlet does not match with the inlet blade angle and therefore fluid cannot enter the blade passage smoothly by gliding along the blade surface. The loss in energy that takes place because of this is known as incidence loss. This is sometimes referred to as shock losses. However, the word shock in this context should not be confused with the aerodynamic sense of shock which is a sudden discontinuity in fluid properties and flow parameters that arises when a supersonic flow decelerates to a subsonic one.

Clearance and leakage losses: Certain minimum clearances are necessary between the impeller shaft and the casing and between the outlet periphery of the impeller eye and the casing. The leakage of gas through the shaft clearance is minimized by employing glands. The clearance losses depend upon the impeller diameter and the static pressure at the impeller tip. A larger diameter of impeller is necessary for a higher peripheral speed and it is very difficult in the situation to provide sealing between the casing and the impeller eye tip.

The variations of frictional losses, incidence losses and the total losses with mass flow rate are shown in Figure.8.1

Figure 8.1 Dependence of various losses with mass flow in a centrifugal compressor

The leakage losses comprise a small fraction of the total loss. The incidence losses attain the minimum value at the designed mass flow rate. The shock losses are, in fact zero at the designed flow rate. However, the incidence losses, as shown in Fig. 8.1, comprises both shock losses and impeller entry loss due to a change in the direction of fluid flow from axial to radial direction in the vaneless space before entering the impeller blades. The impeller entry loss is similar to that in a pipe bend and is very small compared to other losses. This is why the incidence losses show a non zero minimum value (Figure. 8.1) at the designed flow rate.