Lecture 7


The basic purpose of a compressor is to deliver air at high pressure required for burning fuel in a combustion chamber so that the burnt products of combustion at high pressure and temperature are used in turbines or propelling nozzles (in case of an aircraft engine) to develop mechanical power. The problem of designing an efficient combustion chamber is eased if velocity of the air entering the combustion chamber is as low as possible. It is necessary, therefore to design the diffuser so that only a small part of the stagnation temperature at the compressor outlet corresponds to kinetic energy.

It is much more difficult to arrange for an efficient deceleration of flow than it is to obtain efficient acceleration. There is a natural tendency in a diffusing process for the air to break away from the walls of the diverging passage and reverse its direction. This is typically due to the phenomenon of boundary layer separation and is shown in Figure. 7.5. Experiments have shown that the maximum permissible included angle of divergence is 11° to avoid considerable losses due to flow separation.

Figure 7.5 Accelerating and decelerating flows

In order to control the flow of air effectively and carry-out the diffusion process in a length as short as possible, the air leaving the impeller is divided into a number of separate streams by fixed diffuser vanes. Usually the passages formed by the vanes are of constant depth, the width diverging in accordance with the shape of the vanes. The angle of the diffuser vanes at the leading edge must be designed to suit the direction of the absolute velocity of the air at the radius of the leading edges, so that the air will flow smoothly over vanes. As there is a radial gap between the impeller tip and the leading edge of the vanes , this direction will not be that with which the air leaves the impeller tip.

To find the correct angle for diffuser vanes, the flow in the vaneless space should be considered. No further energy is supplied to the air after it leaves the impeller. If we neglect the frictional losses, the angular momentum remains constant. Hence decreases from impeller tip to diffuser vane, in inverse proportion to the radius. For a channel of constant depth, the area of flow in the radial direction is directly proportional to the radius. The radial velocity will therefore also decrease from impeller tip to diffuser vane, in accordance with the equation of continuity. If both and decrease from the impeller tip then the resultant velocity V decreases from the impeller tip and some diffusion takes place in the vaneless space. The consequent increase in density means that will not decrease in inverse proportion to the radius as done by , and the way varies must be found from the equation of continuity.