Module 1: Introduction to Finite Difference Method and Fundamentals of CFD
  Lecture 1: Finite Difference Method

Boundary & Initial Conditions

The spatial boundary conditions in flow and heat transfer problems are of three general types. They may be stated as


and denote three separate zones on the bounding surface in Fig. 1.1.

The boundary conditions in Eqns. (1.7) to (1.9) are usually referred to as Dirchlet, Neumann and mixed boundary conditions, respectively. The boundary conditions are linear in the dependant variable .

In Eqns. (1.7) to (1.9), is a vector denoting position on the boundary, is the directional derivative normal to the boundary, and and are arbitrary functions. The normal derivative may be expressed as


Here is the unit vector normal to the boundary, is the nabla operator, [.] denotes the dot product, are the direction-cosine components of and are the unit vectors aligned with the coordinates.