Highly stretched chain
The Gaussian probability distribution is a good description of chain behavior at small displacements from equilibrium. It shows that the force required to produce an extension x in the end-to-end distance is
(36.4) |
which can be written as,
(36.5) |
However if the segments of the chain are individually inextensible, the force required to extend the chain should diverge as the chain approaches its maximum extension, . Such a divergence is not predicted by equation 36.4, signifying that the Gaussian distribution becomes increasingly inaccurate and finally invalid as the chain is stretch to its contour length. The force-extension for rigid freely jointed rods can be obtained analytically. This solution has the form,
(36.6) |
where is the Langevin function given as,
(36.7) |
Note that x is the projection of the end-to-end displacement in the direction of the applied force. For small values of f, equation 36.6 reduces to Gaussian expression in equation 14.59. For very large value of f the Langevin function tends to 1, so that x asymptotically approaches .
Although, the force-extension data derived from the freely jointed rod model gives reasonably accurate data for bio-polymers, its main drawback lies in the assumption of the chain segments being rigid. Actually, for bio-polymers like microtubules, DNA, the filaments are continuously flexible, so that they are better described by the worm-like-chain (WLC) model. The following relation describes a nearly accurate description of the WLC model which has been very useful in describing the extension of DNA,
(36.8) |