Lecture 1 : Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells

A: Gram positive cell wall                                              B: Gram negative cell wall
Figure 2: A: Gram positive bacterial cell wall B: gram negative bacterial cell wall

Cell membrane: Cell membrane surrounds the cell's cytoplasm and regulates the flow of substances in and out of the cell. It will be discussed in detail in one of the coming chapters.

Cytoplasm: The cytoplasm of a cell is a fluid in nature that fills the cell and is composed mainly of 80% water that also contains enzymes, salts, cell organelles, and various organic molecules. The details will be discussed in forthcoming chapter.

Ribosomes: Ribosomes are the organelles of the cell responsible for protein synthesis. Details of ribosomes will be explained in coming chapter.

Nucleoid Region:  The nucleoid region is possessed by a prokaryotic bacterial cell. It is the area of the cytoplasm that contains the bacterial DNA molecule.

Plasmids: The term plasmid was first introduced by the American molecular biologist Joshua Lederberg in 1952. A plasmid is a DNA molecule (mostly in bacteria) that is separate from, and can replicate independently of, the chromosomal DNA. They are double-stranded and circular. Plasmids usually occur naturally in bacteria, but are sometimes found in eukaryotic organisms. Their sizes vary from 1 to over 1,000 kbp. The number of identical plasmids in a single cell can range anywhere from one to thousands under some circumstances and it is represented by the copy number. Plasmids can be considered mobile because they are often associated with conjugation, a mechanism of horizontal gene transfer. Plasmids that can coexist within a bacterium are said to be compatible. Plasmids which cannot coexist are said to be incompatible and after a few generations are lost from the cell. Plasmids that encode their own transfer between bacteria are termed conjugative. Non-conjugative plasmids do not have these transfer genes but can be carried along by conjugative plasmids via a mobilisation site. Functionally they carry genes that code for a wide range of metabolic activities, enabling their host bacteria to degrade pollutant compounds, and produce antibacterial proteins. They can also harbour genes for virulence that help to increase pathogenicity of bacteria causing diseases such as plague, dysentery, anthrax and tetanus. They are also responsible for the spread of antibiotic resistance genes that ultimately have an impact on the treatment of diseases. Plasmids are classified into the following types.

1. Fertility F-plasmids- These plasmids contain tra genes and are capable of conjugation.

2. Resistance (R) plasmids: They contain genes that can build a resistance against antibiotics or toxins and help bacteria produce pili.

3. Col plasmids: They contain genes that code for bacteriocins, proteins that can kill other bacteria.

4. Degradative plasmids: Degradative plasmids enable the metabolism of unusual substances, e.g. toluene and salicylic acid.

5. Virulence plasmids: These plasmids enable the bacterium to become pathogenic.

The other types of plasmids are:

1. Yeast integrative plasmid (YIp): yeast vectors that rely on integration into the host chromosome for survival and replication.

2. Yeast Replicative Plasmid (YRp): which transport a sequence of chromosomal DNA that includes an origin of replication. These plasmids are less stable, as they can get lost during the budding.