Module 7: Micromechanics
  Lecture 25: Strength of Materials Approach

Generally, the stresses are uniform in the fibre and matrix. Thus above equation reduces to


Further, for equilibrium in transverse direction, we have


The axial and transverse strains in fibre and matrix are


Using Equations (7.34) and (7.39) in (7.37), we get


Further, using Equation (7.34) in Equation (7.38), we get


We solve Equations (7.40) and (7.41) for ,  and . The transverse composite strain then is obtained as


Finally, putting the values of  and  in the above equation, we get an expression for  as




Equation (7.43) is an alternate equation for effective transverse modulus . This is also a rule of mixtures equations. It should be noted that the factors  and  are the nondimensional factors.