Module 4: Plane Stress Constitutive Equations
  Lecture 14: 2-Dimensional Lamina Analysis


Example 4.1: Calculate  for AS4-3501-6 Epoxy material for fibre orientation of .


Calculate the Poisson’s ratio  as

Calculate the reduced stiffness matrix entries in principal material directions as

Now, calculate  and  as from Equation (4.33), Equation (4.35) and Equation (4.36) with and .


Now, . This gives us

Example 4.2: In the above example, if the state of strain at a point in principal material directions is , then find the corresponding state of stress in global directions for fibre orientation of .


We find stresses in global directions as

We calculate the strains in global directions as



Example 4.3: In Example 1, the coefficients of thermal expansion in principal material directions are . Calculate the stresses developed due to temperature rise of  in principal material directions as well as in global material directions.


Stresses in principal material directions due to thermal strains alone are given as

Here, . Thus,

And stresses in global directions are