Module 4: Plane Stress Constitutive Equations
  Lecture 14: 2-Dimensional Lamina Analysis


  1. Verify the result given in Equation (4.36).
  2. Using the invariance property of strain energy density function, show that:
  1. Using the relation between  and  as given in Equation (4.24) and  in terms of engineering constants, show that  are as given in Equation (4.29).
  2. Write the compliance coefficients in Equation (4.45) in terms of engineering constants.
  3. Using Equation (4.24) in Equation (4.42) obtain the individual terms of  in terms of .
  4. For fibre orientation  and  obtain  matrix for materials given in Table 3.1.
  5. The  matrix for a composite with fibre orientation of  is given as
    Find all engineering constants for this material.
  6. Write a computer code to calculate reduced transformed stiffness and compliance matrix for any angle of fibre orientation with respect to global coordinate system.
  7. Extend the code written for the above problem to plot the variation of  terms for orientation of fibres between . Plot the variation for materials given in Table 3.1.
  8. Write a computer code to plot the variation of thermal and hygroscopic expansion coefficients with fibre orientation between  for T300/5208 composite.