Module 4: Plane Stress Constitutive Equations
  Lecture 14: 2-Dimensional Lamina Analysis

Moisture Effect:

The hygroscopic expansion in principal material direction is proportional to the amount of percentage weight of moisture absorbed. Further, the hygroscopic expansion will be in principal normal directions only. This expansion will not lead to any shear. Thus, we write the hygral strains in principal directions for planar problem as


Here, denotes the coefficient of hygroscopic expansion in principal material directions for planar problem and  denotes the amount by percentage weight of moisture absorbed.
Now let us transform the hygroscopic strains in global coordinate system as


Using Equation (4.54), we can write




It is clearly seen from Equation (4.48) and Equation (4.57) that  and behave in a similar way.

Hygro-Thermo-Elastic Constitutive Equations:

When hygral and thermal effects are present along with mechanical strains, then the total strain in principal material direction is given as


Using Hooke’s low for mechanical strain and solving for stress the hygro-thermal constitutive equation, we get


Equation (4.59) can be written to give stresses in global directions as


where  and  are as given in Equation (4.48) and Equation (4.57), respectively.