Module 3: 3D Constitutive Equations
  Lecture 10: Constitutive Relations: Generally Anisotropy to Orthotropy

Figure 3.4: State of stress (a) in x1, x2, x3 system
                                         (b) with x1-x2  andx2-x3 planes of symmetry

Alternately, if we consider x1-x3 as the second plane of material symmetry along with x1-x2 as shown in Figure 3.5, then




This gives us the required strain relations as (from Equation (3.12))

or in contracted notations, we write

Substituting these in Equation (3.18) the function W reduces again to the form given in Equation (3.25) for W to be invariant. Finally, we get the reduced stiffness matrix as given in Equation (3.26).

Figure 3.5: Material symmetry about x1-x2  andx1-x3 planes