Lecture 1 : Basic Concepts



Fig. 1.1.1: Illustration of solid and fluid deformation.


Dimension and Unit

A dimension is the measure by which a physical variable is expressed quantitatively and the unit is a particular way of attaching a number to the quantities of dimension. All the properties of fluid are assigned with certain unit and dimension. Some basic dimensions such as mass (M), length (L), time (T) and temperature ( q ) are selected as Primary/Fundamental dimensions/unit. While others such as velocity, volume is expressed in terms of primary dimensions and is called as secondary/derived dimensions/unit. In this particular course, SI (Standard International) system of units and dimension will be followed to express the properties of fluid.

Fluid as Continuum

Fluids are aggregations of molecules; widely spaced for a gas and closely spaced for liquids. Distance between the molecules is very large compared to the molecular diameter. The number of molecules involved is immense and the separation between them is normally negligible. Under these conditions, fluid can be treated as continuum and the properties at any point can be treated as bulk behavior of the fluids .

For the continuum model to be valid, the smallest sample of matter of practical interest must contain a large number of molecules so that meaningful averages can be calculated. In the case of air at sea-level conditions, a volume of 10-9 mm3 contains 3×107 molecules. In engineering sense, this volume is quite small, so the continuum hypothesis is valid.

In certain cases, such as, very-high-altitude flight, the molecular spacing becomes so large that a small volume contains only few molecules and the continuum model fails. For all situations in these lectures, the continuum model will be valid.