Statement of Frobenius Theorem for Regular (Ordinary) Point

Earlier, we saw a few properties of a power series and some uses also. Presently, we inquire the question, namely, whether an equation of the form

$\displaystyle y^{\prime\prime} + a(x) y^\prime + b(x) y = f(x), \;\; x \in I$ (9.3.1)

admits a solution $ y$ which has a power series representation around $ x \in I.$ In other words, we are interested in looking into an existence of a power series solution of (9.3.1) under certain conditions on $ a(x), b(x)$ and $ f(x).$ The following is one such result. We omit its proof.

THEOREM 9.3.1   Let $ a(x), b(x)$ and $ f(x)$ admit a power series representation around a point $ x = x_0 \in I,$ with non-zero radius of convergence $ r_1, r_2$ and $ r_3,$ respectively. Let $ R = \min \{r_1, r_2, r_3\}.$ Then the Equation (9.3.1) has a solution $ y$ which has a power series representation around $ x_0$ with radius of convergence $ R.$

Remark 9.3.2   We remind the readers that Theorem 9.3.1 is true for Equations (9.3.1), whenever the coefficient of $ y^{\prime\prime}$ is $ 1.$

Secondly, a point $ x_0$ is called an ORDINARY POINT for (9.3.1) if $ a(x), b(x)$ and $ f(x)$ admit power series expansion (with non-zero radius of convergence) around $ x = x_0.$ $ \; x_0$ is called a SINGULAR POINT for (9.3.1) if $ x_0$ is not an ordinary point for (9.3.1).

The following are some examples for illustration of the utility of Theorem 9.3.1.

EXERCISE 9.3.3  
  1. Examine whether the given point $ x_0$ is an ordinary point or a singular point for the following differential equations.
    1. $ (x-1)y^{\prime\prime} + \sin x y = 0, \; x_0 = 0.$
    2. $ y^{\prime\prime} + \frac{\sin x}{x-1} y = 0, \; x_0 = 0.$
    3. Find two linearly independent solutions of
    4. $ (1-x^2) y^{\prime\prime} - 2 x y^\prime + n(n+1) y = 0,\;
x_0 = 0, \; n$ is a real constant.
  2. Show that the following equations admit power series solutions around a given $ x_0.$ Also, find the power series solutions if it exists.
    1. $ y^{\prime\prime} + y = 0, \; x_0 = 0.$
    2. $ x y^{\prime\prime} + y = 0, \; x_0 = 0.$
    3. $ y^{\prime\prime} + 9 y = 0, \; x_0 = 0.$

A K Lal 2007-09-12