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CE Characteristics


We have two independent variables here $ I_B$ and $ V_{CE}$. For different value of $ V_{CE}$, the input characteristics $ I_B$ as a function of $ V{BE}$ is as follows.



Similarly, for different values of $ I_B$, the $ I_C$ vs. $ V_{CE}$ characteristic is shown below. The line passing through $ (0,\frac{V_{CC}}{R_C})$ and $ (V_{CC},0)$ is known as the load line and its intersection with the $ I_C-V_{CE}$ curve determines the quiscent point or operating point Q. Note that in the active region, $ I_C$ is almost independent of $ V_{CE}$ (i.e. nearly constant) and depends mostly on $ I_B$. The ratio $ \frac{I_C}{I_B}$ is a constant for the active region and is known as $ \beta$.


In the common emitter circuit shown above,

$\displaystyle V_{CC}-I_CR_C$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle V_{CE}$  
$\displaystyle I_C$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle -V_{CE}\times\frac{1}{R_C}+\frac{V_{CC}}{R_C}$  

The above is the equation of the load line. Q is the operating point for $ I_B=10\mu$A. In the active region, $ V_{BE}$ is approximately 0.7 V.

For the cutoff region, $ I_B=0$ and $ V_{BE}<0.7$ V.

In the saturation region, $ V_{CE}<0.2$V and $ \frac{I_C}{I_B}=\beta$.

We will denote the operating point by $ V_{CEQ}$ and $ I_{CEQ}$.

The fact that in the active region, variations in $ I_B$ result in proportional varitions in $ I_C$ and hence $ V_{CE}$ forms thefundamental principle of amplifier. For the trabsistor to remain in the active region throughout this variation, variations in $ I_B$ should be maximum $ \pm{}5\mu$A.

In the CE configuration above, with the change in temperature, $ \beta$ changes and hence, so does Q. $ \beta$ is an increasing function of T and therefore as T increases, $ I_c$ increases causing further heating of the transistor and thereby further increasing $ \beta$. This is known as thermal runaway. To avoid this, we stabilize the circuit my introducing an emitter resistance.


Now, as T increases, $ \beta$ increases and so does $ I_C$. This increases $ I_E$ and therefore reduces $ I_B$ as the base voltage increases. This decrease in $ I_b$ resluts in decrease of $ I_C$, thereby compensating the effect of temperature and stablization of the operating point.

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ynsingh 2007-07-25