ENVIRONMENT & ECOLOGY : A Systems Perspective

In the earlier sections it has been explained that there are many components of the concept and these concerns have always been there ever since the pre-historic time. The fact is that environment and ecology do not stand in isolation. Man. Society and culture are affected and in turn affect these concerns. These could be viewed as the systems analysis. A systems thinking suggest that all subsystems of the main system interact with each other and if one sub system doesn't make impact it affects the total system. The systems analysis could further be studied as a closed system analysis and an open system analysis. Fig below presents a closed system analysis.

Fig 1.7

Similarly, there are ongoing impacts of environment on the quality of life of people, when time moves on. In fact, systems approach, views interactions and interdependence among subsystems are important as individual components. If one of the subsystems malfunctions, it affects the performance of the entire system. Boulding (1956) has pointed out different levels of systems ranging from static structures to cybernetic structures and human systems. He believes that human systems and social systems are most complicated ones and we have yet to discover the rudiments of theoretical models for them. Keeping these analogies and components analysis in mind one could further analyse ecology and environment within a systems perspective.

Click here to know more about Systems Analysis (Satsangi's Paper)

Fig 1.8