Module 3.1: Sampling

Reconstruction from Rectangular Samples :

Reconstruction of a continuous signal from its samples is an interpolation problem. In ideal band limited interpolation, the highest frequency that can be represented by the analog signal without aliasing, according to the Nyquist sampling theorem, is equal to one half of the sampling frequency. Then a continuous image can be reconstructed from its samples taken on a 2D rectangular grid by ideal low-pass filtering as follows


= 0 ,

otherwise                                             (3.1.12)

The support of the ideal reconstruction filter in the frequency domain is illustrated in figure below:

Figure3.1.3 Reconstruction filter

The reconstruction filter given by equation(3.1.12) is sometimes referred to as the "ideal band limited image interpolation filter", since the reconstructed image would be identical to the original continuous image, that is ,

provided that the original continuous image was band limited, and and were chosen according to Nyquist criterion;

for and

The ideal band limited interpolation filtering can be expressed in the spatial domain by taking the inverse Fourier transform of both sides of equ (3.1.12),

Substituting the definition of into this expression and rearranging the terms we obtain,


where denotes the impulse response of the ideal interpolation filter. For the case of rectangular sampling this is given by,

equ(3.1.2), (3.1.12), and (3.1.13) taken together form the basis of the 2D sampling theorem. It states that a band limited continuous signal may be reconstructed from its sample values. The sampling periods T1 and T2 must be small enough or equivalently the sampling frequencies and must be large enough to ensure that condition of band limitedness is met.

A continuous signal that is not band limited may still be sampled, of course, but in this case equ(3.1.12) will not be true since contributions from other replicas of in the periodic extension will fold into the region , .

This condition is called "aliasing" since high frequency components of will masquerade as low frequency components in .