Module 6: Magnetic Ceramics
  Macroscopic View of Magnetization

6.2 Macroscopic view of Magnetization

We will refer to the same geometry here where we have a current carrying coil.

We define magnetic induction, B, as μ0H where μ0 is magnetic permeability of vacuum and its value is equal to 4π * 10-7H.m-1 . Units of B are tesla or Weber.m-2.

This also explains that while H  depends only on the current, B  also depends upon the medium surrounding the wire which defines μ0.

So now rewriting equation (6.1) yields


Now imagine if a magnetic material is inserted within the coil, then there is a current induced in the magnetic material too, called Ameprian current, Ia which modifies the equation (6.10) to


Figure 6.2 Magnetic Material inserted in the coil

This Amperain current in the magnetic material can be replaced with induced magnetization, M, and hence using Equation (6.11a), we can write


If magnetization is assumed to be proportional to the magnetizing field, H, with proportionality constant defined as magnetic susceptibility, χm i.e. M = χm.H,  we can write


B = μo μr H

Here, χm,  similar to dielectric materials, can be thought of as a parameter which expresses magnetic response of electron in a material to the applied magnetic field and is a dimensionless quantity. Here, μr = (1+ χm) is the, in a similar manner to relative dielectric permittivity, εr.

In general, both susceptibility and permeability are tensors and assuming that vectors are collinear wherever there is vector notation is not used.

Naturally for vacuum, χm = 0.. However, unlike dielectric materials, χm can acquire both positive and negative values.