Module 4: Dielectric Ceramics: Basic Principles
  Frequency Dependence of Dielectric Properties: Resonance Electronic polarization vis-à-vis frequency

If ω<< ω0,e the charges oscillate in phase with the applied field and contribute to dielectric constant.

If ω0,e = ω, i.e. frequency is equal to the natural frequency of vibration, then resonance occurs and εr' attains a maximum. The charges are 90° out of phase with the applied field and do not contribute to εr'. We witness a maximum loss i.e. high εr''.

If ω0,e < ω, then in this region field changes its direction too fast compared to the rate at which electrons can move. Hence, electrons do not respond and no polarization results and εr' is equal to 1, i.e. system behaves as if there was no dielectric was present. Ionic polarization vis-à-vis frequency

If ω<< ω0,i , the charges oscillate in phase with the applied field and contribute to dielectric constant. The total dielectric constant is now εr,e+i' i.e. both due to ionic and electronic contributions.

If ω0 < ω i.e. frequency is equal to the natural frequency of vibration, then resonance occurs and εr' attains a maximum. The charges are 90° out of phase with applied field and do not contribute to the dielectric constant and we witness maximum loss i.e. high εr''.

If ω0,i < ω, then in this region field charges its direction too fast compared to the rate at which ions can move. Hence, ions don’t respond and no ionic polarization results and εr' is εr,e', i.e. the system behaves as if there was no ionic polarization mechanism present.