Module 1: Structure of Ceramics
  Packing of Atoms in Metals
      1.3 Packing of Atoms in Metals
  • In solids, we consider atoms as hard incompressible spheres which can be packed in various forms. First we will see how atoms pack in metals.

  • Atoms in many metals form closed packed structures either in the form of hexagonal closed packed structure or face-centered cubic structures.  Some metals are a little loosely packed in the form of body-centered cubic structure. Very rarely atoms pack in metals in the form of simple cubic structure.

      1.3.1 Simple Cubic  Structure

  • Simplest structure crystallographically but in the entire periodic table only polonium (Po) possesses this structure.

  • Structure contains only one atom per unit-cell.
Figure 1.15 Simple cubic structure

       1.3.2 Body Centered Cubic or BCC Structure

  • Many metals like W, Fe (room temperature form) possess BCC structure.

  • Contains 2 atoms per unit-cell
Figure 1.16 BCC Structure

One of the important parameters of interest is packing factor, determining how loosly or densely a structure is packed by atoms.

Packing Factor: Volume of all atoms in one unit cell divided by Volume of one unit-cell

If r is the atomic radii in these structures, then

Packing Factor (Simple Cubic) =

Packing Factor (BCC)   =

 1.3.3 Closed Packed Structures

  • Each atom has 12 nearest neighbours touching the atom to each other.

Figure 1.17 Closed packing of atoms in FCC/HCP metals

ABC ABC ABC . . . stacking leads to the formation of  cubic closed packed (CCP) or face centered cubic (FCC) structure which has higher symmetry than other structures. The closed packed A, B, C planes are (111) planes in the structure.

AB AB AB . . . stacking leads to hexagonal closed packed (HCP) structure. The A or B planes are closed packed c-plane or (001) planes of hexagonal structure.

Figure 1.18 FCC and HCP Structures

Now you can work out yourself that packing factor of both FCC and HCP is 0.74.