Module 1: Structure of Ceramics
  Brief Review of Structure in Materials
       1.1.5 Symmetry in Crystals
  • Symmetry is an operation which brings the object back to its original confiscation.

  • Symmetry elements underlying a point lattice (see the figure)
      • Reflection: reflection across a mirror plane

      • Rotation: rotation around a crystallographic axis by an angle θ such as 360°/θ is an integer of value 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 and is referred to as n -fold rotation.
      • Inversion: a point at x,y,z becomes its equivalent at (–x,-y,-z)
      • Rotation-Inversion: Rotation followed by inversion OR Rotation-Reflection: Rotation followed by reflection
Figure 1.5 Basic symmetry operations in crystals