Module 3 :
Lecture 15 : Introduction to Polymeric Materials

Another Classification

Polymers can be classified according to their thermo physical behavior.

Those which soften and flow upon heating are termed as thermoplastics; those which do not are called thermoset polymers.

Characteristics of Thermoplastic Polymers:

  • Linear or branched structure Polymer melts and flows upon heating
  • Easy to process with application of heat
  • Having Heat sensitive properties
  • Individual polymer molecules are held together by weak secondary forces like:
      • Van der Waals forces
      • Hydrogen bonds
      • Dipole-dipole interactions

    Examples of Thermoplastics:

  • Polypropylene

  • Nylon

  • Polymethyl methacrylate

  • Polyethylene

  • Polystyrene