Chapter 8
: Viscous Incompressible Flows
Lecture 24
This is an invariant quantity i.e. does not depend on the coordinate system used.
Thus it can be identified as an intrinsic property of the flow field
Negative sign ensures pressure decreases in the direction of flow
This is called hydro-static pressure and is in general different from thermodynamic pressure.
Hydrostatic Pressure
Thermodynamic Pressure
1) Average mechanical pressure exerted at a point in the fluid
Force exerted on container walls as fluid molecules coincide with it during their random movement
2) Related to translational energy of the molecules
Related to absolute temperature of the fluid and includes the vibrational and rotational energy as well
A pressure sensor records Thermodynamic Pressure
Hydrostatic Pressure and Thermodynamic Pressure are normally almost equal
Hence p itself can be treated as a measurable property of the flow field i.e.,
Thermodynamic Pressure
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