Chapter 5 : Equations of Motion and Mechanical Energy
Lecture 15 :

...Venturimeter... contd from previous slide

  • If the pressure difference between Sections 1 and 2 is measured by a manometer as shown in Fig. 15.2, we can write




where ρm is the density of the manometric liquid.

  • Equation (15.7) shows that a manometer always registers a direct reading of the difference in piezometric pressures. Now, substitution of from Eq. (15.7) in Eq. (15.6) gives


  • If the pipe along with the venturimeter is horizontal, then z1 = z2; and hence becomes h1 − h2, where h1 and h2 are the static pressure heads

  • The manometric equation Eq. (15.7) then becomes


  • Therefore, it is interesting to note that the final expression of flow rate, given by Eq. (15.8), in terms of manometer deflection ∆h, remains the same irrespective of whether the pipe-line along with the venturimeter connection is horizontal or not.

  • Measured values of ∆h, the difference in piezometric pressures between Secs I and 2, for a real fluid will always be greater than that assumed in case of an ideal fluid because of frictional losses in addition to the change in momentum.

  • Therefore, Eq. (15.8) always overestimates the actual flow rate. In order to take this into account, a multiplying factor Cd, called the coefficient of discharge, is incorporated in the Eq. (15.8) as


  • The coefficient of discharge Cd is always less than unity and is defined as

where, the theoretical discharge rate is predicted by the Eq. (15.8) with the measured value of ∆h, and the actual rate of discharge is the discharge rate measured in practice. Value of Cd for a venturimeter usually lies between 0.95 to 0.98.