Lecture 40

Let us define, Pressure Coefficient,


Volume Coefficient,


and Power Coefficient,


Substitution of (40.8) in the above yields


Equations (40.13) and (40.14) are plotted in Fig 40.1 for different values of volume coefficient with as a parameter.

Figure 40.1 Performance curves of a Fan

The characteristics in Figure 40.1 depict the following

(i) Forward curved fans develop the highest pressure for a given impeller diameter and speed.

(ii)  Power requirement of a forward curved fan increases steeply for a small change in flow rate.

(iii)  Pressure developed decreases fast with increasing flow rate in a backward curved fan

In conclusion, the forward curved fans have large volume discharge and pressure rise but they demand higher power. However, forward curved fans are unstable for off-design operating conditions.

Backward curved fans are very efficient and the drooping power characteristic makes them suitable for a better off-design performance

Radial curved fans are preferred for dust-laden fluids. Due to their shape, the solid particles are not stuck and deposited on the blade surface.