Lecture 40

Fan Laws

The relationships of discharge Q , head H and Power P with the diameter D and rotational speed N of a centrifugal fan can easily be expressed from the dimensionless performance parameters determined from the principle of similarity of rotodynamic machines as described before . These relationships are known as Fan Laws described as follows


where and are constants.

For the same fan, the dimensions get fixed and the laws are


For the different size and other conditions remaining same, the laws are


These relationships are known as the Fan-laws. The Fan-lows can be summarized as

For the same fan:

Discharge Speed
Head developed (Speed)2
Power (Speed) 3

For the fans of different sizes:

Discharge (Diameter)3
Head developed (Diameter)2
Power (Diameter)5

Performance of Fans

For all three cases (backward, radial and forward swept blades) in Figure 39.3, we can write


The work done is given by Euler's equation (refer to Modue-1) as


Noting that (zero whirl at the entry) we can write


The volume flow rate (assuming no density change between the inlet and outlet)


By substitution in (40.7)
