Lecture 5

Gas Turbine Cycle with Reheat

A common method of increasing the mean temperature of heat reception is to reheat the gas after it has expanded in a part of the gas turbine. By doing so the mean temperature of heat rejection is also increased, resulting in a decrease in the thermal efficiency of the plant. However , the specific output of the plant increases due to reheat. A reheat cycle gas turbine plant is shown in Figure 5.1

Figure 5.1 Reheat cycle gas turbine plant

The specific work output is given by,

The heat supplied to the cycle is

Thus, the cycle efficiency,

Therefore, a reheat cycle is used to increase the work output while a regenerative cycle is used to enhance the efficiency.


Gas Turbine Cycle with Inter-cooling

The cooling of air between two stages of compression is known as intercooling. This reduces the work of compression and increases the specific output of the plant with a decrease in the thermal efficiency. The loss in efficiency due to intercooling can be remedied by employing exhaust heat exchange as in the reheat cycle.


Specific work output =


Figure 5.2 Cycle with intercooling

Heat supplied =

If is constant and not dependent on temperature, we can write:


Here heat supply and output both increases as compared to simple cycle. Because the increase in heat supply is proportionally more, decreases.

With multiple inter-cooling and multiple reheat, the compression and expansion processes tend to be isothermal as shown in Figure 5.3