European Standards
European emission standards for the light duty vehicles are given in the Table 4.3. Before1992 i.e. prior to Euro 1 standards, emission limits were based on ECE-15 cycle and varied with vehicle reference weight, the higher emissions were permitted for the heavier passenger cars. From 1992 however, the same limits for all the passenger cars irrespective of vehicle weight as in the US were introduced. EU standards up to Euro 3 stage require durability demonstration for 80,000 km or 5 years, whichever occurs first. In lieu of actual durability test, the manufacturers may use the following deterioration factors:
- Gasoline cars: 1.2 for CO, HC and NO x
- Diesel cars: 1.1 for CO, NO x and HC+ NO x , 1.2 for PM
Euro 5 stage requires durability of 160,000 km or 5 years, whichever occurs first. The emission standards for the light duty trucks and medium duty vehicles also, have been laid down and can be found in the European regulations.