Module 4: Vehicle Emission Standards and Measurement
  Lecture17:Emission Standards

Emission Standards in India

India has adopted the European emission limits on a slightly modified driving cycle for the light duty vehicles. The overall emission limits and test procedures for the heavy duty vehicles however are the same as those in Europe . In India , the emission limits are being enforced by a time lag of around 5 years as shown in Table 4.7.

Table 4.7

Indian Emission Regulations

(light duty emission standards with a modified EUDC - maximum speed limited to 90 km/h)

Year of Implementation

Level of European Emission Standards


E uro 2: four metro-cities (1)


Euro 1: rest of the country


Euro 2: seven more cities (2)


Euro 3: thirteen cities


Euro 2: rest of the country


Euro 4: thirteen cities

Euro 3: rest of the country

(1) Delhi , Mumbai, Kolkatta, Chennai

(2) Banglore, Hyderabad , Ahmedabad, Pune, Surat , Kanpur , Agra ; added from the year 2005- Sholapur and Lucknow