Module 1: "Introduction to Color"
  Lecture 1: "Introduction"

About Color

Color of a product does not depend on simply visual perception. The aesthetic appreciation of a product depends on various complex choice of human mind. In order to understand color first we need to clarify some of the basic fundamentals of color so that it becomes easy to follow the relationship between color and its application in design.

Color may be experienced in distinct three ways-

  • Light may be defined based on scientific rules and phenomenon
  • Chemistry
  • Sensation - understood based on human perception and interpretation by brain.

Color sensation is the most challanging area that judged subjectively. Technically, the eye 'sees' and the brain 'perceives'. Brain perceives through the process of assimilation by seeing things through eyes. The retina or back parts of the eye on which the images are focused contain two kinds of cells- rods and cones. The cells are related to value (rods) and color (cones). We would discuss about the finctioning of rods and cones in detail at a later stage.

Human beings experience color through ‘light’ and ‘pigments’. Extensive reserch is conduted by scientists based on the priciples of light-theory. Color as pigment is experienced by mankind that is related to chemistry of color. The application of color pigment is related to various works of art and artifacts, product surface applications and chemistry/ chemical compound.  However, our understanding of color on the basis of ‘sensation’ is one of the most fascinating and intriguing experiences. Perception of color and its sensation and feeling is one of the most challenging areas of research because sensation of color is not just perception but its cognitive interpretation that has raised most fascinating experience. The emotion in color has made enormous contribution in art and design through ages.