Module 1: "Introduction to Color"
  Lecture 1: "Introduction"


Color is one of the most fascinating things that human beings have experienced from the dawn of human existence. The course intends to introduce various aspects of color perception and human feeling related to art and design. Human perception and feeling encompasses color’s objective and subjective application in design. It may involve specification of all relevant properties of color either subjectively or objectively. It is found that there are many experiences of colors that could be quantified and many remains under qualitative judgment.

Color of a product does not always depend on simply visual perception. Sometime it goes beyond its phenomenological visual perception alone. People have experienced the illusionistic appearance of color as well. Aesthetic appreciation of a product depends on various complex choices of human mind. Color plays a major role in creating attraction. Attractive color may be perceived in subjective way or objective manner. Color has a strong power of communication. Because of globalization human beings have expanded their horizon drastically within a short period of time. While the global interaction has become every day affairs, we could not create a common interactive language at the same pace. In the recent years it is understood that color is one of the most powerful tools for communication that helps to communicate with least effort. However, understanding color and its application requires in-depth studies subjectively as well as objectively.

Human beings have observed and gained immense knowledge from color in natural environment. The color in natural environment has taught us in developing color scheme for their various usages. Socio-cultural influence has played important role in human civilizations. Artistic application of color has represented various moods and feelings through highly abstract to symbolic representations.

Color has helped human beings to express their emotion and feelings through social values, cultural heritage, ethos, etc. Color and Emotional has become a major subject of study to learn more about the cognitive and physical relationship and its application through design. The course would explore through various interdisciplinary (subjective and objective) application of color in the field of art and design.