Module 1: The problem
  Lecture 2: Role is value education

Inclusion is value education in curricula

There is no dispute regarding inclusion is value education in education, especially professional education. Everyone supports it. During the last decade an increasing number of national institutions devoted to science, technology, management and other professions have included value education as a compulsory or an optional paper in the curricula at the graduate level. Value education cannot change society immediately but undoubtedly it can have a significant impact on the future of society.

Moreover As said earlier, value education does not mean inculcation of values first time. Everyone has a value. Students in colleges and universities are not devoid of values. They have their own values but they are accustomed to see things from the perspective of values taught in the context of family, kinship, community and neighborhood. Many of these values are actually the source of tension and entropy in society. Likewise when value education courses are run among students of science, technology and business, who will shape the future of society, initially the students may react to courses from the perspective of their own values but gradually a change starts. Tell them that we know that in our society helping your relatives and friends is a value. It contradicts the value of fairness when a selection committee member recommends a relative or a friend for selection although he is not as meritorious as those candidates who have been rejected. Students can see the contradiction very clearly. Ask them what is more important: value acquired in family or the social value of fairness. They can now see the problem. They were oblivious to this before taking the course. This is itself is a change. Students and business need to be sensitized to national and human values. The students and business executives begin to see that some of their earlier values need to be changed and this would be in the interest of all. As humans they have the responsibility of promoting general interest of humanity at large They must realize that their own interests are closely linked with the interests of the humanity. Once this is done they develop the capacity of seeing things from the perspective of society and humanity. They can be taught to see the connection between them and society, between one social group and another, between nations and humanity. This is going to affect their decision making in the future.