Module 1: The problem
  Lecture 2:Role is value education


Transformation means change from one state to another. In case of social transformation the term transformation is used mostly in a positive sense implying a state of improvement. Yet, there is very little clarity about the goals of transformation and still less on the ways of transformation. We do not know what is needed most: greater clarity about the goals, theoretical knowledge of the processes of transformation and social mobilization, theory of leadership, theory of organization development, theory of communication or holistic theory of values? We will deal with this issue more in Lecture 5.

Sharma has not only defined the developments which have led to entropy he has also suggested that there is a need for transformational ethics based on harmony, cooperation and love (HCL) which would ensure transformation:

  1. From acrimony to harmony

  2. From negergy to synergy

  3. From vicious cycles to virtuous cycles

  4. From conflict to cooperation

  5. From oppression to liberation

  6. From tension to tranquility

  7. From bitterness to betterness

  8. From ill-will to goodwill

The transformation thus envisaged is based on “practical spirituality”. This is not clear, however, what will lead to this transformation. Those who deal with the above issue of transformation suggest one of the two ways: (a) institutional reforms; and (b) moral or spiritual development. According to the former the key to ethical development lies in building new and effective institutions, in better governance, in reforming the judicial process, in restructuring of society, etc. Those who advocate the latter will say that institutional reforms do not necessarily change the system. We have to change the man. Taking the latter view, Rao (2010) argues that the understanding of self is important to transformation. To him, “values—such as cooperation, respect, conviction, creativity, team work, detachment, happiness, equity and fairness—and an attitude of giving are likely to result in better results in the long run for the professionals and the organizations”. But the issue is: can the sense of community, meaningful work and inner life be created in all kinds of conditions?