Module 3: Research Methods in Population Studies
  Lecture 10: Introduction to Census, SRS, and Other National Sample Surveys

Questions and Exercises

  1. What is the difference between positivism and phenomenology?
  2. Select a national level study of fertility (you may use internet material) and critically examine its methodology and analysis plans.
  3. What is the difference between interview and observation methods?
  4. Suppose you are to conduct a sample survey of child mortality in UP. Develop a research design for this and identify major steps of research.
  5. What is the difference between primary and secondary data? What secondary data would you use if you are to study causes of school drop outs in rural areas in a few districts of Bihar ?
  6. What are major sources of demographic data in India ? Which sources provide data on fertility and mortality?
  7. Suppose you are to conduct FGD of rural youths to explore factors that expose them to risk of HIV. What steps would you follow?
  8. Write short notes on the following:
    1. Quantitative methods
    2. Limitations of observation methods
    3. Census data in India
    4. Experimental methods
    5. RCH surveys